Tag Archives: psychics

Psychics- The New Financial Advisors

It would never occur to me to seek out financial advice from a psychic. But apparently, I’m missing an important resource with which to make financial decisions.  Financial psychics are thriving; in fact, many of their clients are other psychics.

I know a psychic who lives nearby in a modest home. If she’s wealthy, she certainly doesn’t flaunt it, although she does own a shiny new set of tarot cards and a top of the line tape recorder so that clients can refresh their memories about her advice after the session.

Can a financial advisor, with nothing but charts, graphs and numbers compete with the psychic’s reassurance that our cards indicate future wealth? I can’t really blame people for believing that a greater power is attracting them towards the destiny they desire. Investments have always been tricky, and not everyone has the smarts of Warren Buffett.

Apparently, men are more businesslike than women when they consult a psychic. Men ask rational questions like, What is your accuracy rate? Can you guarantee your readings? How do you get your information?

I suspect millions of women ask the same rational questions of their financial advisors. The problem is that neither psychic nor financial guru, pundit or banker really knows what’s going on or how long good times will last. When the market is up, everyone is a hero. When it’s down, only psychics will give you a tape reassuring you of your destiny with wealth.
