Tag Archives: New Year resolutions

If You Had a Year to Live…

When I was younger, I made New Year resolutions only to have them evaporate after a few weeks. Using a matrix of goals, timetable, action plan and reward system, I would track my progress. I don’t do that anymore.

Realizing that life is too short for everything, I struggled with how to maintain a balance between what I like to do and what I felt I ought to do. I came up with a formula that works better for me. Ask yourself this question:

If I had a year to live, would I spend 15 minutes doing this? 

It works for me in situations where I have a choice. For example, how do I want to spend my time? Do I really want to be on that committee, attend that lecture or class, learn to play bridge, spend time with that sourpuss? If I’m not actively enthusiastic about something or someone, I don’t do it. No shoulds, no guilt, not even one more thought. One year, 15 minutes – A no brainer.

Try the formula. You can do it all year round without keeping track of anything. If it doesn’t work for you, you can always go back to resolutions.  If you knew you had only one year left to live , would you spend 15 minutes making New Year resolutions?

Happy 2014. May whatever you wish for be yours.